We are New Zealand's Only Turtle Specialists! (TRADE SUPPLY ONLY) P.O. Box 7057, Taradale, Napier 4141, New Zealand |
There are two types of Bearded Dragon kept in New Zealand. One is the Inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps), and the other is the Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata). The Inland Bearded Dragon is from inland west New South Wales and Queensland, hates humidity, and loves a very hot and dry enclosure. If the humidity is to high it can cause respiratory infections and if not treated quickly, death can occur.The Eastern Bearded Dragon is from Eastern Coast of Australia and ranges from the Cooktown area of far north Queensland to south eastern South-Australia and is more tolerant of humidity and cooler temperatures. (Above an Inland Bearded Dragon female enjoys sunning on her favourite log.) Like Turtles, the Bearded Dragon requires correct lighting, diet and specialised housing in order for them to thrive. Housing Hatchling Bearded Dragons can be done easily in an empty glass fish tank. We have raised two hatchlings in a tank 100 x 40 x 40cm. If I was to raise up to four hatchlings then I would recommend using a tank 120 x 45 x 45cm. A small water dish for drinking from, bark on the floor, plenty of logs to climb and hide under, a flat rock under a heat lamp, and a UVA / UVB Reptile light above was pretty much the tank set up. It is worth mentioning here that the UVA / UVB Reptile light must be no more than 300mm away from the Dragons basking spot as the effectiveness of the light is greatly reduced the further away it is. See Reptile Lighting page for the correct lighting for your Reptile. |
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